3-11-2020 Jennifer Dumpert – Liminal Dreaming

Liminal dreaming occurs at the boundaries of consciousness between waking and sleep. To guide us in harnessing one of the most unusual human experiences, Jennifer Dumpert will discuss a comprehensive array of practical exercises for accessing and lingering in our liminal dream states. She explores the brain states, which together create our experience of dreaming—hypnagogia, the hallucinatory dream state through which we pass as we sink into sleep, and hypnopompia, the mesmerizing dreams we experience as we surface back into waking. Jennifer will share some techniques to harness the power of hypnagogia and hypnopompia and engage our dreaming minds to help us answer personal or intellectual questions or even, she says, “encourage the healing process.”

Thank you for listening to the Midnight in the Desert Hour podcast. This segment is a portion of our regular 3 hour program broadcast 5 days a week on the Internet station Dark Matter Radio. We broadcast LIVE at Midnight Eastern time, 9PM Pacific time. See http://midnightinthedesert.com for more information and links to listen LIVE and join our Time Travelers subscription service to listen to our full archives of the show.

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